In an ideal world, a movie’s success would be measured solely by its ability to move and entertain audiences, detached from the relentless pursuit of box office numbers, Blu-ray sales, or streaming subscriptions. Unfortunately, we don’t inhabit such a utopia. In our reality, the financial triumph of a film reigns supreme in Hollywood, dictating who continues to create cinematic wonders and, perhaps more crucially, who faces the harsh reality of being sidelined. This financial scrutiny shapes the nature of projects, determines the cast and crew, and perpetuates the recycling of ideas.
The fate of a film is often sealed if it fails to make waves in theaters, stamped with the dreaded label of “failure.” Yet, we are all aware that financial letdowns don’t necessarily equate to creative shortcomings. Sure, there are instances where a film’s failure is entirely justified (side-eyeing you, The Marvels). However, sometimes the destiny of a cinematic masterpiece is beyond the control of its creators. Perhaps the timing was off, a lead actor got caught in a scandal just before opening weekend, or the industry was paralyzed by simultaneous strikes, leaving no room for promotion. The myriad factors influencing a movie’s success go far beyond mere financial metrics.
So, let’s take a moment to applaud some of the finest films that fell short of achieving blockbuster status in 2023, for reasons as diverse as the cinematic landscape itself. Instead of ranking them based on box office grosses or reported budgets, I’ve chosen to evaluate their success irrespective of monetary concerns.