Director M. Night Shyamalan, renowned for his mysterious thrillers such as The Sixth Sense, Signs, The Village, and Split, recently revealed that working on his daughter’s directorial debut, the horror mystery The Watchers, has had a transformative impact on him as a director.
Shyamalan shared that the experience of collaborating on The Watchers was profoundly influential, stating that it “changed him as a director.”
The film, which marks the directorial debut of his daughter, is set to release this week.
This new venture allowed Shyamalan to step into a different role, offering guidance and support while witnessing the creative process from a fresh perspective.
The Watchers promises to be a captivating addition to the horror mystery genre, and Shyamalan’s involvement in the project highlights the unique dynamic and inspiration that comes from working with family in the film industry.
Fans of Shyamalan’s work are eagerly anticipating this new film and the fresh storytelling approach it may bring.
In an interview with GamesRadar, Shyamalan said of working on his daughter, Ishana Night Shyamalan’s film:
“It’s the same job I’ve done my whole life but with a different intention. I have to deliver for [Ishana]. It’s not something I came up; it’s something she came up with.
That created a different engine for me, when I was directing those scenes for her. I almost became a student again from the beginning. Which is the dream – that you start to see it as new [again]. It changed me as director for myself, for my new film.”
Director M. Night Shyamalan is set to release his latest film, Trap, a thriller starring Josh Hartnett.
In Trap, Hartnett plays a father who takes his daughter to a concert, only to find out that the event is a setup by the police to lure out a vicious serial killer. As expected from a Shyamalan film, audiences can anticipate major twists and turns throughout the storyline. Trap is scheduled to hit theaters on August 9th.
In addition to Trap, Shyamalan’s daughter, Ishana Night Shyamalan, is making her directorial debut with The Watchers, a horror mystery based on the book by A.M. Shine. The film stars Dakota Fanning as Mina, a woman who becomes stranded in a dense Irish woodland without any power.
She discovers a curious cabin inhabited by other stranded souls and learns about the existence of strange creatures known as The Watchers. These creatures leave the inhabitants alone as long as they stay in the woods, follow their rules, and allow themselves to be observed each night.
Ishana Night Shyamalan directs from a screenplay she wrote. The Watchers is set to be released in theaters on June 7th.